Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Setiap daripada kita akan merasai akan kegagalan dalam kehidupan ini.Kegagalan juga boleh diistilahkan sebagai dugaan di dalam.Sesungguhnya dugaan atau kegagalan ini lah yang akan membentuk diri kita yang lebih baik.Setiap kegagalan kita lalui,kita harus mencari apa penyelesaian kerana di situ juga kamu akan belajar perkara lain selain apa matlamat yang ingin kita capai.Mungkin dua atau tiga atau lebih daripada satu perkara yang akan kita belajar..

Ingatlah kawan ku sekalian,sesungguhnya kegagalan itu lah yang akan membentuk diri kita lebih baik...BERPEGANGLAH KEPADA

          DOA+USAHA+TAWAKAL....isyallah apa yang kita hajati akan tercapai

Friday, 26 August 2011

Friday, 19 August 2011

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Hebatnya sistem nombor yang Allah cipta

1)Pilih nombor di antara 1 hingga 9

2)Kemudian,darabkan nombor tersebut dengan nombor 9.Seterusnya darabkan dengan nombor 12345679

3)Jawapannya adalah nombor yang anda pilih tadi akan berulang banyak kali

contohnya adalah seperti berikut...

bukankah ia suatu magik??


Friday, 12 August 2011

mathematics tricks

To multiply a number by 5
Step 1: Divide by 2
Step 2: Move the decimal point to the right. (Multiply by 10)

For example: 1450x5
Step 1: 1450/2 ==> 725
Step 2: 725x10==> 7250 Ans.

mathematics tricks

squaring a two digit number that begins with a '5'

1-square the first digit
2-add this number to the second number to find the first part of the answer
3-square the second digit: that is the last part of the answer.

Example:what is the square of 58==> 58^2?
5^2=25==>25+8=33 _ _
8^2=64==> 3364Ans.

Saturday, 6 August 2011


Kadang-Kadang kita sering berangan-angan agar sesuatu itu akan terjadi di dalam hidup kita.Ada juga yang mengatakan bahawa ngan-ngan "Mat Jenin" jika angan-angan itu terlalu besar.Tetapi tidak pernah kita terfikir bagaimana orag yang berjaya dan menjadi kaya raya??Tidakkah semua itu bermula dengan angan-angan.Mereka semua itu selalu berangan agar apa yang mereka hajati akan tercapai.Dengan angan-ngan itu,mereka susuli dengan usaha dan usaha agar ngan-ngan mereka itu akan tercapai.

Pernah tak kita terfikir untuk memiliki sebuah rumah yang besar seperti istana??Pernah tak kita terfikir untuk memiliki sebuah kereta yang mewah??Pernah tak kita terfikir untuk memiliki apa yang ada pada orang lain?Tidakkah semua itu merupakan ngan-angan di dalam hidup kita ini??

Oleh yang demikian,siapa kata angan-angan itu membawa keburukan??Sebenarnya ia merupaka satu pendorong bagi seseorang itu untuk terus berusaha dan mencari jalan agar mereka dapat mencapainya.NAMUN BEGITU,perlu di ingatkan,dalam usaha mereka untuk mencapainya,mereka terpaksa menempuh apa yang di panggil iaitu LIKU-LIKU kehidupan.LIKU-LIKU itulah akan meletakkan diri mereka di tempat yang mereka kehendaki dan akan membentuk siapa diri mereka sebenarnya.Hanya orang melaluinya sahajalah yang mengetahui betapa payahnya.Ini tidak akan sama jika MEREKA menceritakan kepada orang lain melainkan mereka sendiri perlu mengalaminya sendiri seandainya ingin merasai apa orang lain rasai

Sekiranya cabaran-cabaran yang telah mereka lalui di ceritakan,ia akan menjadi suatu persiapan pada mereka yang ingin melaluinya.Jika mereka ingin mengatahui pengalaman orang yang telah lalui,mereka terpaksa memberanikan diri untuk bertanya.Tidak kah itu itu merupakan suatu cabaran??Hal ini di sebabkan,ada juga sesetengah orang tidak mahu menceritakan.Dengan ini,orang yang ingin mengetahuinya terpaksa mencari altenatif agar mereka itu menceritakan kepada mereka.

Adakah usaha kita ini sudah mencukupi??hemm

apa usaha perlu aku lakukan?????hemm


Hidup kita ini tak seindah kita jangka dan seburuk kita sangka.Kadang kala kita tidak menduga sesuatu perkara itu akan berlaku pada hidup kita ini.Kita merasakan perkara itu mungkin tidak akan berlaku,namun hakikatnya ia telah berlaku.Sebenarnya,kita ini tidak menyedari ia sudah berlaku pada hidup kita ini.Hanya kita sahaja yang tidak menyedari bahawa ia sedang berlaku dan kita sedang mengalami

Adakah kita telah bersedia untuk menghadapi kehidupan yang akan datang?Cuba tanya pada diri sendiri,berapa banyak persiapan telah kita lakukan?Pada aku,kita harus bersyukur dengan apa yang telah berlaku pada  diri kita ini.Mungkin tak semua orang bahawa perkara yang telah berlaku telah meletakkan di mana diri kita sekarang.Bagi aku,hidup ini memang ada yang pahit dan ada yang manis.Cuma satu sahaja yang kita lakukan ialah BERSABAR...

Apa yang akan berlaku pada angan-ngan kita ???hemmmm

Thursday, 14 July 2011


A Dream Takes Flight

AirAsia’s Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes took an ailing airline and gave it wings.


Donning an AirAsia cap, Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes, speaker at the first South East Asian Youth Engagement Summit, goes up the stage of Kuala Lumpur’s Putrajaya International Convention Centre followed by four flight attendants in AirAsia’s chilli red garb. The casually dressed CEO of AirAsia announces that the first person to hand him something red will win a trip to London. Two youth delegates scamper up the stage, one of them tripping on her own feet before reaching Fernandes. The 45-year-old businessman decides to give both of them the free trip anyway. This scenario is a good illustration of how Fernandes built his low-cost airlines from the ground up – by enticing would-be passengers with free trips.

In 2001, Fernandes was the vice president for ASEAN at Warner Music South East Asia. One night, he saw an Easy Jet television ad and got interested in the concept of low-cost carriers. He realised this was what he wanted to do. He called his wife and told her of his plan, and she couldn’t stop laughing.

Fernandes mortgaged his house and then rallied a couple of his buddies in the music industry to set up Tune Air Sdn. Bhd. The Malaysian government, however, turned down the license application. Fernandes quickly arranged a meeting with then Prime Minister Dr Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Dr Mahathir suggested that, instead of getting a license, Fernandes should buy the fledgling AirAsia, a heavily indebted subsidiary of a government-owned conglomerate.

With youthful audacity he announced, “I will buy AirAsia for one Malaysian ringgit!” He got this reply: “Yes, you can buy it tomorrow.”

Fernandes might have gotten the airline at one ringgit (29 cents) but he and his partners also inherited 40 million ringgit worth of debt. His vision, nevertheless, took flight that same year with 250 employees and two ageing Boeing 737-300 flying to just one destination. A tragic event, however, threatened to crash his dream.

The September 11 attacks in the US made people afraid to fly. But Fernandes saw a golden opportunity in what could have been a major setback. Airline leasing costs plummeted by 40 percent, saving the company a lot of money. Airline lay-offs allowed him to hire experienced staff at lower costs. A year later, AirAsia had paid off all its debt and broken even.

“We Asians have this habit of kicking ourselves and saying it can’t be done. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it,” he says. Nine years later, AirAsia is the fastest growing low-cost airline in the world, carrying a total of 85 million passengers to date, with 7000 employees and 90 new airplanes flying to over 130 destinations in Asia, Australia and Europe.

Fernandes, a London School of Economics alumnus, is a laid-back CEO. “I go to work wearing regular clothes. My pants are sometimes older than my employees.” And he runs AirAsia with a unique set of principles. For one, the company has a flat structure, where everybody has access to the big boss. By removing company bureaucracy, he gets everybody talking and giving invaluable ideas. “People are our best asset. Get the best people and let them grow. Let them fulfil their dreams. Help them discover potential they never thought they had,” he advises.

When the company was still relatively small, Fernandes used to try his hand working in the different departments. He was a bag carrier, check-in officer and even flight attendant for a day. It allowed him to get on the ground and see real problems and needs. It also gave him the chance to spot potential stars in the company. When he learned that some bag carriers dreamt of becoming pilots, he sponsored their training. He’s proud of the fact that “18 months later they are flying planes.” AirAsia also boasts of having 35 female pilots in their staff. “If women can run a country, they can certainly fly a plane!” he exclaims.

Fernandes ends his well-applauded speech by encouraging the summit delegates with his credo: “Believe the unbelievable. Dream the impossible. Never take ‘No’ for an answer!”






Monday, 11 July 2011

Jambatan Pulau Pinang sesak akibat kebakaran kabel TNB


GEORGETOWN: Ratusan kenderaan terkandas hampir dua jam di laluan masuk dan keluar di Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan sekitar bandar itu apabila kabel elektrik Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) di bawah jambatan itu terbakar petang tadi.

Jurucakap Penang Bridge Sdn Bhd (PBSB) berkata, kesesakan itu menjadi serius berikutan kebakaran kabel itu berlaku pada waktu puncak iaitu pada 5.30 petang tadi.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, keadaan lalu lintas beransur pulih pada 7 malam tadi selepas kerja pembaikan kabel dan memadam kebakaran selesai dijalankan.


GEORGETOWN: Ratusan kenderaan terkandas hampir dua jam di laluan masuk dan keluar di Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan sekitar bandar itu apabila kabel elektrik Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) di bawah jambatan itu terbakar petang tadi.

Jurucakap Penang Bridge Sdn Bhd (PBSB) berkata, kesesakan itu menjadi serius berikutan kebakaran kabel itu berlaku pada waktu puncak iaitu pada 5.30 petang tadi.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, keadaan lalu lintas beransur pulih pada 7 malam tadi selepas kerja pembaikan kabel dan memadam kebakaran selesai dijalankan.
Sementara itu, Pengurus Besar TNB Pulau Pinang, Abdul Aziz Jaafar, ketika dihubungi, mengesahkan kebakaran kabel simpanan di bawah jambatan itu pada 5.25 petang tadi.

Katanya, kebakaran kabel itu bagaimanapun tidak menjejaskan bekalan elektrik di negeri itu kerana ia hanyalah kabel simpanan.

"Kebakaran kabel 132kv itu dapat dipadamkan sepenuhnya pada 6.30 petang tadi dan ia hanya membabitkan kabel simpanan dan TNB sedang menjalankan siasatan mengenai punca kejadian," katanya. - BERNAMA



Sunday, 10 July 2011

kalau nak download chuck season 4...


episode 24

episode 23

episode 21

episode 20

 episode 19

episode 18

episode 17

episode 16

episode 15


charge handphone too

Charge Your Phone With Your Shirt

Analysis by Emad Hanna Wed Jul 6, 2011 08:04 AM ET 
Sound-charge-tshirt Unless you have an impeccable phone-charging routine, chances are you’ve been caught with a dead battery at a very inopportune time. If you’re lucky, you may catch a break with a car charger. More likely, though, you'll run to the nearest power outlet and talk on the phone while it’s plugged in. A French telecom company called Orange has big plans to save us all from the low-battery blues. They have developed a T-shirt that uses the ubiquitous resource of noise to charge cell phones. The fabric of the shirt is made out of a piezoelectric film, which is capable of transforming sound into electricity by compressing tiny quartz crystals. The so-called "Sound Charge" T-shirt is designed such that the electricity generated over the large surface area of the garment is stored in a battery that can then be used to charge a phone.  The battery is removable so that the shirt can be washed. The company rolled out the T-shirt last month during the Glastonbury music festival in Britain, but they insist that you don’t need to be at a loud venue for the shirt to work. Even the ambient noise in a normal busy street should be enough to give a similar charging performance. However, don’t expect this T-shirt to save you from an emergency just yet -- it would take an entire weekend at the festival to charge a smart phone. Orange is working on increasing the speed and efficiency of the Sound Charge T-shirt's capability, and they anticipate that it is only a first step in making the charging of electronics an automatic and effortless process.  

Bald Eagle Soars to Freedom on July 4th

Analysis by Jennifer Viegas Mon Jul 4, 2011 05:21 AM ET (3) Comments | Leave a Comment
(Einstein the Eagle just before his release; Credit for images: Curators of the University of Missouri)
"Einstein," an adult bald eagle, is now soaring over America after his release July 4th from the University of Missouri's Raptor Rehabilitation Project, where the once-ailing bird underwent treatment.
The bald eagle is the national bird of the U.S., serving as an important symbol for the country's strength, wisdom, and freedom. It is even front and center on the seal of the President of the United States.
SLIDE SHOW: 5 Historic Happenings on July 4th (Besides America's Independence)
Einstein may be oblivious to all of the Independence Day pomp and circumstance, but his caretakers recognize how important it is to see healthy eagles flying free, particularly on this important holiday.
"When I realized that his release could be around July 4, I knew I had to do it," Elizabeth Groth, president of the Raptor Rehabilitation Project, told Discovery News before Monday's event. "He is ready to go and I thought it would be cool to try to get the public involved a bit for this release. It's not every day that a member of the public gets to see an eagle like this and on our nation's birthday, I thought it would be fitting."
ANALYSIS: Wild Bald Eagle Obsessed with Zoo Female
Groth, who is also a student at the university (class of 2013), explained that Einstein was brought to her and her colleagues by a Missouri Department of Conservation agent in April. He was in terrible shape, due to lead poisoning.
"This is usually a cumulative process over the life of the eagle," she said, adding that people often think such birds are shot, but that's not always true. "They eat fish that have eaten lead sinkers or have been exposed to lead, and eventually the lead builds up in the eagle's body to the point where they start showing neurologic signs."
In this case, the signs included disorientation, listlessness, inability to stand, uncoordinated movements and, perhaps most disturbing of all, he was also discharging a foul-smelling liquid from his mouth and nose. Groth and her team knew that this was consistent with a condition known as gastrointestinal stasis, which "involves food rotting in the bird's digestive tract rather than being digested completely."
SEE ALSO: Bald Eagle Nestlings Contaminated by Chemicals
The bird, later named after German physicist Albert Einstein, required "a lot of supportive nutritional care when he got to us," Groth said. "He was very thin and couldn't handle solid food, so he was on basically a liquid carnivore diet for about the first week. After that first week, he started to act more normal and was able to stand on his own again. He also started showing the defensive and aggressive behavior that we tend to expect from an eagle."
Einstein was discharged from the hospital on May 18. Since then, he has been has been recuperating and rebuilding his flight muscles in the Raptor Rehabilitation Project’s flight cage at the College of Veterinary Medicine. He has been flying well. Blood and other tests determined he was ready for release, leaving behind four other birds that are still recovering. Nine other birds are more permanent fixtures, since they cannot go back into the wild.

Saturday, 9 July 2011


mengapa begitu ramai peljar sekarang terlalu mengejar cinta di peringkat sekolah.ada antara mereka sehingga terleka daripada terus belajar.pada zaman kini aspek percintaan terlalu meluas sehingga pelajar sekolah rendah pun bleh berbicara tentang cinta.mengpa perkara sebegini boleh berlaku.

kini terpapang di muka-muka akhbar tentang anak2 remaja yang sanggup berkorban apa2 sahaj demi cinta.ada yang lebih teruk sehinnga menggadai maruah itu sendiri.persolannya dimana cinta mereka kepada ALLAH yang satu?


Setiap dari kita mesti tertanya-tanya dari mana kita berasal..Ada yang berpendapat bahawa manusia ini berasal dari seekor monyet yang mengalami suatu proses hingga menjadi manusia.NAMUN BEGITU,bagi UMAT ISLAM kita harus percaya bahawa kita ini berasal dari ayah yang satu,emak yang satu iaitu ADAM dan HAWA.Tetapi masih ramai lagi yang meragui dengan takdir ini.Ada dalam kalangan mereka terpengaruh dengan agenda barat.Mereka yang membuktikan bahawa manusia berasal dari monyet.

Sesungguhnya manusia ini merupakan hamba ALLAh yang mana tidak mempunyai apa-apa pun....

panduan blogger


Friday, 8 July 2011

Hardware-Software-Design an der FH in Hagenberg (Teil 1)

Hexapod: Best of Dance 2010

Everything you need to know about firewalls by: Nick Roche

Did you know that when your computer is connected to the internet, it has over 131,000 ‘ports’ that a hacker could connect to? These ports are like doors in a building and if they aren’t protected properly, then someone could sneak in without you noticing. If the hacker is not installing a virus, they can still do some serious damage without alerting your security software, including transmitting your personal information. So how do you watch all of these doorways to your information? You need a firewall!

In construction terms, a firewall is a fire-resistant wall that subdivides a building to stop the spread of fire from one area to another. In computer terms, we need to stop communications between your computer and others on the internet. A total block of all internet communication would be useless though, so you need a way of selecting which type of communications you want to receive. For this, computer firewalls have rules and filters much like construction firewalls have access doors.

Where do I put this firewall?

Firewalls can be on a hardware box (a separate unit or part of your internet modem or router) or can be software installed on your computer. Most popular security software packages also include a firewall. A hardware firewall is great for providing a barrier before your computer is even reached and will also mean that your computer doesn’t have to spend its precious resources on running the firewall software. It also reduces the risk of the firewall itself being compromised, as some viruses can try and disable security software features that are running on your computer. The downside is that a hardware-based firewall can be more expensive and not as easy to configure and maintain if you are unsure of how to use them.

If Microsoft gives me a firewall, do I need another one?

The Windows Firewall (on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Vista) only examines inbound communications coming into your computer from the internet. If your computer becomes infected (e.g. if you install some free software that turns out to have a hidden nasty) then your outbound communication to other computers on the internet won’t be examined or filtered. This can turn your computer into a source of infection, impacting your security and internet connection. It’s also not recommended that you run more than one software firewall as this uses more processing power and can cause conflicts, so if your security software includes a firewall, turn off the Windows Firewall.

If I have a secure wireless connection do l need a firewall?

A wireless connection is another way to get onto the internet and wireless security controls who can use that connection. This is similar to allowing who can plug into your phone line. Once you are connected, your 131,000+ ports are still open to hackers, so you still need a firewall. A firewall may be included on your wireless router but it pays to check.

Why does it keep on giving me messages?

If you are doing something specific (like installing new software or troubleshooting a connection problem) you may need to temporarily disable your firewall. Software firewalls may alert you that a connection has been attempted and blocked and may ask if you wish to allow that kind of connection in the future. In general, if you are doing something new which would probably involve a connection to the internet, you can allow the connection – either ‘this time only’ or for all future connection attempts. If in doubt, block it, as you can always allow it later if you find that it is needed.

Firewalls provide an enhanced level of security that has now become the minimum standard to protect your computer. They do require a certain level of knowledge or a great computer support person, so talk to your local Computer Troubleshooter to ensure that you are protected.

About The Author

Computer Troubleshooters Australia

Privately Held; Information Technology and Services industry

November 2006 – Present (4 years 7 months)

Computer Troubleshooters Australia

Australia's Largest IT Service Franchise - We come to you!

With over 90 locations in all states of Australia Computer Troubleshooters provides ongoing support for IT for Smalll Business and Home based networks. Since 1997 we have built a Franchise with 480 locations worldwide across 27 countries. Nck Roche is the Master Franchisor for Australia.

Our Services Include

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- Hardware purchases

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- Wireless Networks

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- Data security, backup

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Local Service & Global Strength - We are your trusted IT advisor.
The author invites you to visit:

Why Sun Protective Swimwear Helps Prevent Skin Cancer by: Harrison Binnie

Society generally thinks that tanning is attractive, but the rate at which skin cancer is rising shows us that there is more here than meets the eye. In truth, a tan is the skin’s way or protecting itself from ultraviolet radiation, which causes significant damage to the skin. This is why frequent tanning increases your risk of skin cancer exponentially.

Of course the reality of skin cancer does not mean that we all need to spend more time indoors. There are plenty of other ways to stay safe in the sun. sun protective clothing and clothing with built-in sun protection are the newest forms of sun safety measures available. Wearing swimwear and clothing that are manufactured with sun safety in mind will reduce your risk of skin cancer because they are made specifically to keep ultraviolet radiation away from your skin. They also offer the best protection available on the market today. Sunscreen has been around for many years, and it is still an important part of sun protection, but there are just too many issues with sunscreen to make it your primary source of sun protection. It can wash off and needs to be reapplied every two hours, but sun protective clothing or swimwear are protecting your skin as long as you have them on.

Sun protective swimwear covers as much of the skin as possible. It is generally snug, but not as tight as traditional swimwear, and it's made from a tightly woven fabric that helps keep UVR away from the skin. One of the most important things to look at when buying sun protective swimwear is the UPF, or ultraviolet protection factor, of the garment. This measures how well the fabric protects against UVR. The highest UPF available is 50+, so always opt for this high rating, especially when choosing kids' swimwear.

Swimwear of any kind is simply too hot to wear in the sun if you are not in the water, so it is important that you plan ahead if you intend to split your time between the sand and the surf. Sun protective clothing should involve much more than just a t-shirt thrown over your swimwear. The average piece of summer clothing has UPF of 5, which is definitely not enough to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Instead look for clothing that is manufactured specifically with sun safety in mind. Choose pieces with high UPF, and avoid lightly colored or pastel fabrics because they do not provide as much sun protection as darker colors. Also look for more tightly woven fabrics, which are better at keeping ultraviolet radiation away from your skin.

Here are some other tips to keep in mind when choosing fun in the sun. Remember to apply sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30 on all areas of the skin that are not covered by sun protective clothing. Remind your kids to stay indoors between the hours of 10am and 2pm to further reduce their exposure to UVR.

About The Author
Harrison Binnie is an author of www.ozswimwear.com; For further information on Sun protective swimwear, please visit official website, (www.ozswimwear.com)
The author invites you to visit:

The Common Denominator of Success by Albert E.N. Gray

The Common Denominator of Success
by Albert E.N. Gray

“The common denominator of success --- the secret of success of every man who has ever
been successful --- lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures
don't like to do.”
THE COMMON DENOMINATOR OF SUCCESS is as timely and inspirational, as it
was when it was first delivered in 1940. Though it was written for life insurance
professionals, it's message is equally well suited to anyone in the sales profession, or
anyone in any field of endeavor who seeks success in their professional, personal or
spiritual lives.
This inspiring message by Mr. Gray is one of the most timeless pieces of life insurance
literature. It first appeared as a major address at the 1940 NALU (National Association of
Life Underwriters) annual convention in Philadelphia and has been available to
association members in pamphlet form ever since. Although our author has passed away,
his words of wisdom and moving philosophy --- so manifest in "The Common
Denominator of Success" --- are part of the current life insurance scene and have real
meaning for today's professional life underwriter. Mr. Gray was an official of the
Prudential Insurance Company of America and had 30 years of continuous experience
both as an agent in the field and as a promoter and instructor in sales development. He
was known throughout the country as a writer and speaker on life insurance subjects.
Several years ago I was brought face to face with the very disturbing realization that I
was trying to supervise and direct the efforts of a large number of men who were trying
to achieve success, without knowing myself what the secret of success really was. And
that, naturally, brought me face to face with the further realization that regardless of what
other knowledge I might have brought to my job, I was definitely lacking in the most
important knowledge of all.
Of course, like most of us, I had been brought up on the popular belief that the secret of
success is hard work, but I had seen so many men work hard without succeeding and so
many men succeed without working hard that I had become convinced that hard work
was not the real secret even though in most cases it might be one of the requirements.
And so I set out on a voyage of discovery which carried me through biographies and
autobiographies and all sorts of dissertations on success and the lives of successful men
until I finally reached a point at which I realized that the secret I was trying to discover
lay not only in what men did, but also in what made them do it.
I realized further that the secret for which I was searching must not only apply to every
definition of success, but since it must apply to everyone to whom it was offered, it must
also apply to everyone who had ever been successful. In short, I was looking for the
common denominator of success.
And because that is exactly what I was looking for, that is exactly what I found.
But this common denominator of success is so big, so powerful, and so vitally important
to your future and mine that I'm not going to make a speech about it. I'm just going to
"lay it on the line" in words of one syllable, so simple that everyone can understand them.
The common denominator of success --- the secret of success of every man who has ever
been successful --- lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures
don't like to do.
It's just as true as it sounds and it's just as simple as it seems. You can hold it up to the
light, you can put it to the acid test, and you can kick it around until it's worn out, but
when you are all through with it, it will still be the common denominator of success,
whether you like it or not.
It will still explain why men have come into this business of ours with every apparent
qualification for success and given us our most disappointing failures, while others have
come in and achieved outstanding success in spite of many obvious and discouraging
handicaps. And since it will also explain your future, it would seem to be a mighty good
idea for you to use it in determining just what sort of a future you are going to have. In
other words, let's take this big, all-embracing secret and boil it down to fit the individual
If the secret of success lies in forming the habit of doing things that failures don't like to
do, let's start the boiling-down process by determining what are the things that failures
don't like to do. The things that failures don't like to do are the very things that you and I
and other human beings, including successful men, naturally don't like to do. In other
words, we've got to realize right from the start that success is something which is
achieved by the minority of men, and is therefore unnatural and not to be achieved by
following our natural likes and dislikes nor by being guided by our natural preferences
and prejudices.
The things that failures don't like to do, in general, are too obvious for us to discuss them
here, and so, since our success is to be achieved in the sale of life insurance, let us move
on to a discussion of the things that we as life insurance men don't like to do. Here, too,
the things we don't like to do are too many to permit specific discussion, but I think they
can all be disposed of by saying that they all emanate from one basic dislike peculiar to
our type of selling. We don't like to call on people who don't want to see us and talk to
them about something they don't want to talk about. Any reluctance to follow a definite
prospecting program, to use prepared sales talks, to organize time and to organize effort
are all caused by this one basic dislike.
Perhaps you have wondered what is behind this peculiar lack of welcome on the part of
our prospective buyers. Isn't it due to the fact that our prospects are human too? And isn't
it true that the average human being is not big enough to buy life insurance of his own
accord and is therefore prone to escape our efforts to make him bigger or persuade him to
do something he doesn't want to do by striking at the most important weakness we
possess: namely, our desire to be appreciated? Perhaps you have been discouraged by a
feeling that you were born subject to certain dislikes peculiar to you, with which the
successful men in our business are not afflicted.
Perhaps you have wondered why it is that our biggest producers seem to like to do the
things that you don't like to do.
They don't! And I think this is the most encouraging statement I have ever offered to a
group of life insurance salesmen.
But if they don't like to do these things, then why do they do them? Because by doing the
things they don't like to do, they can accomplish the things they want to accomplish.
Successful men are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced
by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to be satisfied with such results as can
be obtained by doing things they like to do.
Why are successful men able to do things they don't like to do while failures are not?
Because successful men have a purpose strong enough to make them form the habit of
doing things they don't like to do in order to accomplish the purpose they want to
Sometimes even our best producers get into a slump. When a man goes into a slump, it
simply means that he has reached a point at which, for the time being, the things he
doesn't like to do have become more important than his reasons for doing them. And may
I pause to suggest to you managers and general agents that when one of your good
producers goes into a slump, the less you talk about his production and the more you talk
about his purpose, the sooner you will pull him out of his slump?
Many men with whom I have discussed this common denominator of success have said at
this point, "But I have a family to support and I have to have a living for my family and
myself. Isn't that enough of a purpose?"
No, it isn't. It isn't a sufficiently strong purpose to make you form the habit of doing the
things you don't like to do for the very simple reasons that it is easier to adjust ourselves
to the hardships of a poor living than it is to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a
better one. If you doubt me, just think of all the things you are willing to go without in
order to avoid doing the things you don't like to do. All of which seems to prove that the
strength which holds you to your purpose is not your own strength but the strength of the
purpose itself.
Now let's see why habit belongs so importantly in this common denominator of success.
Men are creatures of habit just as machines are creatures of momentum, for habit is
nothing more or less than momentum translated from the concrete into the abstract. Can
you picture the problem that would face our mechanical engineers if there were no such
thing as momentum? Speed would be impossible because the highest speed at which any
vehicle could be moved would be the first speed at which it could be broken away from a
standstill. Elevators could not be made to rise, airplanes could not be made to fly, and the
entire world of mechanics would find itself in a total state of helplessness. Then who are
you and I to think that we can do with our own human nature what the finest engineers in
the world could not do with the finest machinery that was ever built?
Every single qualification for success is acquired through habit. Men form habits and
habits form futures. If you do not deliberately form good habits, then unconsciously you
will form bad ones. You are the kind of man you are because you have formed the habit
of being that kind of man, and the only way you can change is through habit.
The success habits in life insurance selling are divided into four main groups:
1. Prospecting habits
2. Calling habits
3. Selling habits
4. Working habits
Let's discuss these habit groups in their order.
Any successful life insurance salesman will tell you that it is easier to sell life insurance
to people who don't want it than it is to find people who do want it, but if you have not
deliberately formed the habit of prospecting for needs, regardless of wants, then
unconsciously you have formed the habit of limiting your prospecting to people who
want life insurance and therein lies the one and only real reason for lack of prospects.
As to calling habits, unless you have deliberately formed the habit of calling on people
who are able to buy but unwilling to listen, then unconsciously you have formed the habit
of calling on people who are willing to listen but unable to buy.
As to selling habits, unless you have deliberately formed the habit of calling on prospects
determined to make them see their reasons for buying life insurance, then unconsciously
you have formed the habit of calling on prospects in a state of mind in which you are
willing to let them make you see their reasons for not buying it.
As to working habits, if you will take care of the other three groups, the working habits
will generally take care of themselves because under working habits are included study
and preparation, organization of time and efforts, records, analyses, etc. Certainly you're
not going to take the trouble to learn interest-arousing approaches and sales talks unless
you're going to use them. You're not going to plan your day's work when you know in
your heart that you're not going to carry out your plans. And you're certainly not going to
keep an honest record of things you haven't done or of results you haven't achieved. So
let's not worry so much about the fourth group of success habits, for if you are taking care
of the first three groups, most of the working habits will take care of themselves and
you'll be able to afford a secretary to take care of the rest of them for you.
But before you decide to adopt these success habits, let me warn you of the importance of
habit to your decision. I have attended many sales meetings and sales congresses during
the past ten years and have often wondered why, in spite of the fact that there is so much
good in them, so many men seem to get so little lasting good out of them. Perhaps you
have attended sales meetings in the past and have left determined to do the things that
would make you successful or more successful only to find your decision or
determination waning at just the time when it should be put into effect or practice.
Here's the answer. Any resolution or decision you make is simply a promise to yourself,
which isn't worth a tinker's dam unless you have formed the habit of making it and
keeping it. And you won't form the habit of making it and keeping it unless right at the
start you link it with a definite purpose that can be accomplished by keeping it. In other
words, any resolution or decision you make today has to be made again tomorrow, and
the next day, and the next, and the next, and so on. And it not only has to be made each
day, but it has to be kept each day, for if you miss one day in the making or keeping of it,
you've got to go back and begin all over again. But if you continue the process of making
it each morning and keeping it each day, you will finally wake up some morning a
different man in a different world, and you will wonder what has happened to you and the
world you used to live in.
Here's what has happened. Your resolution or decision has become a habit and you don't
have to make it on this particular morning. And the reason for your seeming like a
different man living in a different world lies in the fact that for the first time in your life,
you have become master of yourself and master of your likes and dislikes by surrendering
to your purpose in life. That is why behind every success there must be a purpose and that
is what makes purpose so important to your future. For in the last analysis, your future is
not going to depend on economic conditions or outside influences of circumstances over
which you have no control. Your future is going to depend on your purpose in life. So
let's talk about purpose.
First of all, your purpose must be practical and not visionary. Some time ago, I talked
with a man who thought he had a purpose which was more important to him than income.
He was interested in the sufferings of his fellow man, and he wanted to be placed in a
position to alleviate that suffering. But when he analyzed his real feeling, we discovered,
and he admitted it, that what he really wanted was a real nice job dispensing charity with
other people's money and being well paid for it, along with the appreciation and feeling
of importance that would naturally go with such a job.
But in making your purpose practical, be careful not to make it logical. Make it a purpose
of the sentimental or emotional type. Remember needs are logical while wants and
desires are sentimental and emotional. Your needs will push you just so far, but when
your needs are satisfied, they will stop pushing you. If, however, your purpose is in terms
of wants and desires, then your wants and desires will keep pushing you long after your
needs are satisfied and until your wants and desires are fulfilled.
Recently I was talking with a young man who long ago discovered the common
denominator of success without identifying his discovery. He had a definite purpose in
life and it was definitely a sentimental or emotional purpose. He wanted his boy to go
through college without having to work his way through as he had done. He wanted to
avoid for his little girl the hardships which his own sister had had to face in her
childhood. And he wanted his wife and the mother of his children to enjoy the luxuries
and comforts, and even necessities, which had been denied his own mother. And he was
willing to form the habit of doing things he didn't like to do in order to accomplish this
Not to discourage him, but rather to have him encourage me, I said to him, "Aren't you
going a little too far with this thing? There's no logical reason why your son shouldn't be
willing and able to work his way through college just as his father did. Of course he'll
miss many of the things that you missed in your college life and he'll probably have
heartaches and disappointments. But if he's any good, he'll come through in the end just
as you did. And there's no logical reason why you should slave in order that your
daughter may have things which your own sister wasn't able to have, or in order that your
wife can enjoy comforts and luxuries that she wasn't used to before she married you."
He looked at me with rather a pitying look and said, "But Mr. Gray, there's no inspiration
in logic. There's no courage in logic. There's not even happiness in logic. There's only
satisfaction. The only place logic has in my life is in the realization that the more I am
willing to do for my wife and children, the more I shall be able to do for myself."
Imagine, after hearing that story, you won't have to be told how to find your purpose or
how to identify it or how to surrender to it. If it's a big purpose, you will be big in its
accomplishment. If it's an unselfish purpose, you will be unselfish in accomplishing it.
And if it's an honest purpose, you will be honest and honorable in the accomplishment of
it. But as long as you live, don't ever forget that while you may succeed beyond your
fondest hopes and your greatest expectations, you will never succeed beyond the purpose
to which you are willing to surrender. Furthermore, your surrender will not be complete
until you have formed the habit of doing the things that failures don't like to do.


"Maaf, saya sudah lambat ............................................"
"Jika saya masih ada masa sedikit lagi............................."
"Saya betul-betul minta maaf, saya terlalu banyak kerja....."
Berapa banyak kali kah anda mendengar alasan-alasan di atas?
Berapa banyak kali kah anda mendengar pekerja-pekerja di pejabat, di rumah, di restoran atau di mana-mana sahaja bercakap mengenai masalah kekurangan masa?
Masa merupakan sumber yang unik. Dari sehari ke sehari, setiap orang mempunyai jumlah masa yang sama iaitu 24 jam; tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. Masa tidak dapat dikumpulkan. Masa tidak dapat ditukar ganti. Kita tidak dapat membuka atau menutupnya. Masa sebenarnya akan kekal atau sentiasa ada. Yang tidak kekal ialah masa hidup kita di dunia.
Apakah yang membezakan antara orang-orang yang berjaya dengan yang kurang berjaya? Albert E.N. Gray dalam eseinya "The Common Denominator of Success" menyatakan bahawa kejayaan yang dicapai oleh orang-orang yang berjaya bukannya kerana kerja kuat, nasib baik atau bijak dalam selok-belok perhubungan manusia walaupun semua itu adalah penting. Katanya:
"Orang yang berjaya mempunyai amalan membuat perkara yang mana orang gagal tidak suka melakukan."
Satu faktor yang jelas menjadi inti kejayaan mereka ialah orang-orang yang berjaya sentiasa mengukir amalan keberkesanan dalam hidup mereka. Mereka sentiasa menggunakan fikiran dan tenaga mereka untuk perkara-perkara yang berfaedah, mendahulukan apa yang paling penting dahulu serta yang memberikan pulangan maksimum.
Prinsip 20/80 sangat bertepatan dengan "seruan" di atas. Prinsip ini telah diperkenalkan oleh Vilfredo Pareto, seorang ahli ekonomi Itali. Mengambil sempena namanya, prinsip ini juga dikenali sebagai Prinsip Pareto.
Secara ringkasnya, menurut prinsip ini, untuk mencapai keberkesanan pada kadar (optimum) sekitar 80% setiap hari, minggu, bulan, tahun atau dalam seumur hidup kita, kita hendaklah menumpukan perhatian / tindakan kita terhadap perkara-perkara atau tugasan yang paling penting dahulu. Misalnya, jika kita mempunyai 10 senarai tugasan / kerja pada hari ini dan dapat menumpu atau menyelesaikan 2 tugasan yang paling penting atau paling tinggi pulangannya, pencapaian atau keberkesanan kita pada hari ini ialah 80%.
Jika rahsia pengurusan masa ini dijadikan sebagai prinsip dan amalan hidup anda, anda akan akhirnya tergolong dalam golongan orang-orang yang berkecapaian tinggi - amat berkesan, cemerlang dan gemilang! InsyaAllah.